The Sci Fi Channel Sucks

This will be the a page dedicated to the horrible example of what The Sci Fi Channel is!
The number 1 complaint is that any show that has ratings or a fan base they cancel.
For example, Farscape, Stargate SG1, The Invisible Man, Battlestar Galactica, just to name a few mistakes. The channel has no idea of what to do with the most loyal dedicated fan base that can only be compared to The Grateful Dead or any religious group (do I even dare to say cult) on the planet. This example is shown to you in the following links, that the fans do out of their own love, time and money dedicated to the shows they love or loved.


Stargate gateworld website

A Doctor Who website: lifetheuniverseandcombom.blogspot

Another Doctor Who Website: Planet Gallifrey

Due to the complaints about the basic website I have created a forum. So check out scifi channel sucks forum

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